Health Benefits of Acupuncture

Brief History of Acupuncture
In the long history of the majestic ancient medical art of acupuncture , Chinese medicine has its roots in the deeply ingrained . For more than 2000 years recorded its healing benefits , and several officers testified that 4000 years or more is an even longer history . Chinese acupuncture in the history books where the sharp edges of the rocks used Pierce Stone Age began to increase and the healing process will help drain mucus from the body is blood clots . They decided to use a method other diseases and infections during the piercing and acupuncture developed later . Through trial and error , points and meridians to explain what is a pretty complex system lines indicate what elements of the body that are similar to what is used to cure diseases and symptoms of points . The first known effort to documenting the use of acupuncture tortoise shells with inscriptions appeared pictograph . More information is collected and recorded , the system became complete and advanced . Be careful methods passed down from master to student perseverance , our generation has been blessed with the knowledge of the art of healing acupuncture.From preserved ancient times , from acupuncture fever , joint pain , and cancer is a possible treatment for each type of disease . With such a stunning backdrop , the healing benefits of acupuncture, and so far has opposed the test of time that our generation can make it difficult to ignore the fact that surpassed any laboratory test trials . Of course, the benefits of acupuncture and acupuncture and how new research can give a better explanation , but the evidence that acupuncture works , it is strong evidence for the years 2000-4000 show experience in human subjects is expected to retain his place in the field of acupuncture .

How it works What is Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture can help to alleviate pain and treat disease specific points on the body with a thin , a healing technique that involves inserting stainless steel needles . The needle insertions your cells , organs , and realign itself and teach your body how to balance all the signals sent from the brain cells . It's almost like when you get a cut , and your body will automatically know it's a scab to protect it . No need to tell your body to do it , it needs to know what it is . Here it is the same idea : a needle inserted into your skin in the area of ​​your body is doing a scan . Your body finds a problem , it finds a way to balance or repair its own what needs to be fixed . Here , it 's easy . Your body is a wonderful piece of machinery and tons more than we give it credit remember that self- healing capabilities . So with an open mind , some confidence and trust in your body 's own healing abilities ? Let me read about .

How , you may be surprised by some of them , I can not treat a small thin needle ? Yes , it is a small thing , it is not underestimating the power of the needle . DNA strands jam -packed full of information, no matter how small you remember ? You can not even see , you still know that it works for you , at least you can see the needle . This is a powerful injection of oxygen to all parts of your body , so the blood has the ability to allow you to move more freely through your veins . You will feel more oxygen and nutrients to your body parts, how to achieve that . Also , I increased blood and oxygen flow to you as soon as your body can accomplish if you do already know what great healing benefits . Acupuncture oxygen through your veins as you take the problem more freely ? Acupuncture needles used for blood flow to your muscles and tissues that there is still room to create more space . Your neck and shoulders for long periods of time at the computer and then to think about how difficult . What pain , discomfort that occurs ? The blood on your shoulders , neck , circulating and oxygenating the head is not . What is the decrease in blood flow ? Muscles too hard, tight and small when the pressure of the blood vessels causes your body controls the amount of blood that can be achieved in the area . The tension in the area you want to find a way to help blood flow to your brain because of the pain that sends a signal . Reminder : why is it important to extend the time , you always parts of your body with oxygen and nutrients that can be completely fine to be circulating in your blood for a reason .

In another part of the body 's well- flows related to health and disease , how much detail should go . But now , here it is important to understand well that the blood in your body is important , and acupuncture will help you to do it . So now we have a good idea of how acupuncture , we can move on and see some of its vast health benefits .

Benefits of Acupuncture
Above , acupuncture can use a wide range of diseases and discomforts , but the treatment of the patient and the patient both answer depends on how well the coach . We have to go into more detail about later in the section . Now , figuring out if you need to focus on the acupuncture .
Acupuncture can help you achieve a few things :
Energy levels - increase
Your immune system , increase
Remove pain
Reduce recovery time
Cycle - update
Mental stress - reduce
Memory and learning abilities - to increase
Attention , increase body awareness
Body movement - increase

Acupuncture some special advantages :

Allergy and asthma
Acupuncture helps to increase the immune system and allergies and asthma attacks can relieve the symptoms and improve your yang energy . By a runny nose allergy symptoms often result in physical , Yang Qi or energy shortages , which are very cold or wet because . Yang energy while decreasing the body , blood vessels and veins, a runny nose and nasal cavity as well as why it is unable to support the nasal fluid is unable to constrict . Lie on your back with your yang energy of the sun to moderate period of time may increase .

Angina pectoris
An adequate supply of blood to the heart constricting chest pain, heart blood and oxygen flow to increase in this category because of its ability to be alleviated with acupuncture .

Anxiety and depression
Acupuncture significantly improved outlook studies have indicated that patients with anxiety and depression . Acupuncture to help regulate and balance the whole body helps to create neuropathways and hormonal signals . Insomnia associated with anxiety and depression acupuncture will help speed up the process of healing and peace .

Dental problems
Acupuncture tooth and mouth pain , dental problems due to dental work, as well as helps in relief . The side effects of treatment that may also stop by anesthetic drugs or dental work, dental anesthesia is used during operations . Than the use of acupuncture anesthesia during a surgery , after surgery to shorten the time needed for proper healing .

Acupuncture combined with a balanced diet to eliminate symptoms and in some cases several hospitals and research groups has proven to cure diabetes . Results proper diet , exercise , and combined with Chinese herbal medicine may be better or faster .

Gynecological problems
PMS and dysmenorrhea by acupuncture help cleanse the blood and blood flow to help reduce symptoms . It can treat and prevent urinary tract infections .

Headaches and migraines
Lines around the head and neck area when blocked , it causes pressure to decrease blood flow and head and neck . Acupuncture blood vessels to allow more oxygen flow and low pressure areas of the body to release the stagnant qi can help . Helps release stress and pain in the head and neck area . * Only your head and neck area of ​​headache that may occur in the stagnant qi Keep in mind , but the other parts of your body . This is why acupuncturists needle arm or leg , or other body parts in order to treat headaches May .

Acupuncture body swelling , and tenderness , swelling occurs in order to relieve itself of the bacteria that can be used to enhance the immune system 's self- defense mechanisms . This is the body to release toxins from the body faster healing time can be shortened , so that helps increase blood flow and blood flow .

Joint and muscle pain
Joint and muscle pain can sometimes be relieved immediately and acupuncture . Physical therapy can be used in all of these areas , and a true master of the art can be managed completely eliminate the root cause of the symptom . Moreover , even acupuncture arthritis and epicondylitis or tennis elbow has been proven to work effectively in reducing .

Reduces blood pressure
Acupuncture with electrical stimulation studies which have shown that 50 % can reduce the blood pressure rise . This ability , such as cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure, heart disease and promotes healing . Currently , research is limited to 30 minute treatments using electronic frequencies have shown that the best results .

Acupuncture combined with proper nutrition and diet can help to enhance the immune system and reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis .

Stroke Recovery
Help stroke patients with chronic or severe arthritis is acupuncture . Some or a little of acupuncture treatment is consistent with the full function returned to normal in 4 months . It is recommended that stroke patients soon begin acupuncture treatments . Started before 6 months after stroke acupuncture treatments are the best results .

Vertigo or balance disorder
Whiplash injury due to acupuncture than with conventional medicine to cure vertigo and balance disorders has proven to be the best decision . Vertigo can be treated using acupuncture and inner ear due to inequality

Weight Loss
Obese and overweight patients better food digestion, metabolism and helps the whole body acupuncture treatment . The treatment for the body to release toxins more easily and more efficiently to help reduce appetite and helps to absorb nutrients . Acupuncture also encourages patients to provide the body with more energy .
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1 Response to "Health Benefits of Acupuncture"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    July 29, 2013 at 8:16 AM


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